ChemStar XLMP Hose Pipe

The ZebFlex cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) hose is a premium grade chemical resistant hose designed for transfer of a variety of liquid chemicals and acid solutions. A slick, clear inner XLPE tube will not contaminate the product being conveyed.

It is a high pressure, high temperature suction and discharge hose designed to handle the commonly used acids, chemicals and solvents as well as pharmaceutical slurries.


The ZebFlex XLPE ChemStar hose is manufactured in:-

Type 1 – Outer corrugated rubber cover with dual wire helix to offer better flexing and better durability to the hose.

Type 2 – Outer smooth wrapped impression rubber hose with single spiral wire and yarn braided reinforcements.

Core:White/ Off-white colour, Synthetic rubber with XLPE liner
Reinforcement:Multiple plies of high tensile textile with helix steel wire

Green abrasion resistant EPDM synthetic rubber, fabric impression

Temperature: -30°C to 105°C


Multipurpose suction and delivery hose designed for :

  • Acids, alkalies, chemicals and solvents

    • Excellent in Handling petroleum based products, hydrocarbon solvents, oxidising chemicals

    • Bulk depots and storage facilities

  • In-plant and tank transfer, delivery, transaport

  • Also suitable for CIP cleaning and sanitation purpose

Product Parameters

* Bend radius values are for outer smooth hoses with spiral steel wire reinforcements.
Outer corrugated finish & discharge hoses have better flexing & bend radius.